1. Music on the beach
2. LED Party
3. Fire throwing and Limbo
4. Artwork from all over!!
5. Design workshops
6. Dancing
7. Bonfires
8. Games
9. Market stalls
10. A burning phoenix!!
WHEN : 29th / 30th / 31st of August
There are one day or two day options.
WHERE : Pangkor Island @ Segradas Beach
Morning - creative workshops
Afternoon - band on the beach
Evening - live music and DJ
Morning - Art exhibition in the forest
Afternoon - Fire party and fire dancers
Evening - The burning of the phoenix
2 nights - (Includes all food, drinks, boat transport and activities)
2 nights very early phoenix - 140MYR
2 nights early phoenix - 150MYR
2 nights intermediate phoenix - 175MYR
2 nights late phoenix - 200MYR
bus transport is available to the ferry terminal for an additional 40MYR return (Limited Spaces)
1 night (Includes all food, boat transport and activities)
1 night very early phoenix - 110MYR
1 night early phoenix - 120MYR
1 night intermediate phoenix - 145MYR
1 night late phoenix - 170MYR
no bus transport is available to the ferry terminal for 1 night stay.
Sagradas Beach Pantai Teluk Segadas Pangkor Island, Perak 32300